The Moran-Crescent Towing Facility was conceived by two of the largest towing companies in the United States as a way to solve overcrowding problems in their current facilities along the Savannah River in Savannah, Georgia. Moran Towing Company, based in New York with over 20 ports of operation, joined with Crescent Towing Company, based in New Orleans, to form a limited partnership to purchase 25 acres on Hutchinson Island and build a first-class towing facility to service the Port of Savannah.
The property was purchased in 2006, facility planning began in 2007, and construction was completed in 2011. The facility includes an 800-foot-long, steel bulkhead for mooring of up to twelve tugboats with electrical and water service along with a fire suppression system. The 10-acre site also includes two 5,600-square-foot office buildings, two 5,400-square-foot maintenance sheds, parking lots, travel ways, water well and distribution system, and an on-site waste management system.
EMC initially worked with the owner in the planning stages to develop and evaluate alternative solutions to provide docking facilities. Following this stage was the permitting process through the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Ga. DNR. We then provided surveying and engineering services to prepare subdivision plats and detailed construction documents for the bulkhead, civil site work, building foundations, and landscaping. Once a contractor was selected, we provided construction administration and inspection services.